Below, you will find a newsletter about our improv comedy, game shows, murder mysteries and training for corporate events and private parties. We hope this information will help our clients to understand our process.

THEY improv - March 2019 Newsletter
THEY Creates Many New Cambridge Mysteries!

THEY improv grows to help our clients around the world. Usually this has meant getting bigger and handling larger events. To continue to meet our client's needs we have come up with several new themes including a Super Hero theme, a Chamber Music Society, Fairy Tales, a new Millionaire scenario along with several others. Simply call us to discuss our newer themes and use the latest and greatest!

These are also available for our Dartmouth Plans for smaller groups!

THEY improv has continued its Comedy With a Cause efforts and raised some money and attitudes for various charities. This has included several functions as fundraisers as well as some team building for charitable organizations to help them help themselves.

Our Director has mostly healed and has started to work again. This means we are back to full strength and continue to try to recover from the time we had to do without.

We have classes from our members all around the country but don't have too many under our name. If you want to learn more, just ask.

Because of our dislike of Spam, we have stopped emailing these newsletters. If you would still like to receive these by email, please just let us know.

newsroom media

If you need to reach out, contact our Director, Todd Rice, at (866) 219-4386.


We want to hear from you. Call us at 866.219.4386 or email

Some of Our Clients

We have worked with over half of the Fortune 500. These are just a few of our high-profile clients that have improved their business.